Germanium is a non-metallic mineral / material that has naturally strong semiconductor characteristics. It was discovered around 1986 by a German scientist named Clemens Winkler. It is named Germanium because it was found in Germany.
Germanium has 4 electron shells and 32 electron shells. The electrons released from molecules in germanium produce power similar to electricity, which will enrich the electric current in the human body, making us feel refreshed. Compared to Silicon or Tourmaline, Germanium is the best material for semiconductors as natural characteristics since it is available at room temperature while others require a certain level of impact before they can be semiconductors.
The world's first transistor created by Bell Laboratories in 1947 was made of Germanium! However, due to scarcity, the material was less suitable. Silicon is currently used widely in the semiconductor industry. Germanium is widely used in fiber optic, speakers, and infrared equipment.
Benefits of Germanium for human health